Sunday, June 22, 2008


I dream of many things
Of pretty summer dresses
Of bright sunshiny days
And gentle loving caresses

Like every young woman
I have girlish dreams
Of starlit walks and romance
But there’s more than may be seen.

I have visions of flying
Throughout the galaxies
With powerfully beating wings
Surely not mere fantasies?

But that isn’t all
Not enough my feathered wings
To open up my heart
And with the Angels sing.

Yes, to raise my voice on high
With the glittering angelic host
To sing Holy, holy, holy,
This I wish for most.

To feel that joy within
Pour out as I am winging
Across the starry skies
And with the Angels singing!

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

As children
Our minds are captivated
By childish happiness
And carefree foolishness

But soon things become different
Become more complicated
Before we realize or know
We begin to change and grow

The toys the sand castles the games
That once fulfilled our dreams
Are no longer what we adore
We reach and grasp for more

By knowledge’s seductive flames
We're reduced to raving fiends
We build machines of terror
Not sandy castles fairer.

Why this need for destruction?
Why can’t we live and love?
How have we become so twisted?
Surely know one really wished it?

In dire need of instruction
We cry out to our God
Why do our souls fade?
Truly, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

From My Sanctum

Tentatively I peek around
The puffy floating white
Leave the safety of my clouds
To see what lies beyond.

For many months I’ve dreamed
Of places new and fair
So far off they have seemed
But closer they appear.

I will leave my wispy sanctum
My loft among the clouds
And so employ my stratagem
And wish with all I am.

What is it I wish to dare?
To clothe myself in moonbeams
And hang starlight in my hair
This is life worth living.

This I solemnly do vow
To live like there is no tomorrow
To be only in the now
And claim my souls freedom!