Monday, October 22, 2007


The sound wells inside
Begging to be let out
I open my mouth so wide
But from it comes no shout.
No what pours out is beautiful
My souls offering flowing free.
It is singing in every way musical
That pours out from inside of me.

This song is my life force,
My strength and durability.
When all is lost and I am too,
My song will lead me home.
But if for any reason or thing
My song is cut away,
I'll die, surely as comes the spring,
Let go without delay.

A gift from Artemis' quiver,
Chords of gold
And notes of silver
Might I dream so bold?
In the hour of star and moonbeam
Might I find them there?
In the laughing bubbling frothing stream,
Or in Hades burning lair.

Oh, Athena Goddess of wisdom and war,
Quell this pain within me!
If I am not meant to sing to this world
Give me freedoms long sought key!
I'll break myself out but give no shout,
No, I'll sing, and sing, and sing.
Till the great ones on Mt. Olympus are left no doubt
And from their lofty heights, blessings upon me fling!

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