Monday, April 21, 2008

Dashing to the Future

How is this happening to me?
Life is going by so fast.
This year has simply rushed and passed
How is it already almost gone?

How much future is there to see?
For mere days remain
Before things will never be the same
What will life bring on the final dawn?

How can I hold onto those who are dear?
they are slipping from me and I can't make it stop
In my memory will they become only a small dot?
I do not wish to forget them in the sands of time!

How can I keep these memories clear?
Because in the silence of times passing
To the future we are swiftly dashing
And I would remember what is mine.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What is Happy?

What is it to be happy?
I think I know
It is so many indescribable things.

What does it mean to be happy?
I think I know
It is the smile that friendship brings.

What is it to be happy?
I think I know
It is the sparkle in your eye.

What is this thing called happy?
I think I know
It is a contented peaceful sigh.

What is does it mean to feel happy?
I think I know
It is feeling loved.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Spinning, Spinning,
Hands questing
Finding, meeting.

Still spinning
Ever spinning
Feet following

Spinning Spinning
And Twirling

Spinning, Spinning,
And Tossing

Spinning, Spinning,
The whole night
In your Arms.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Molten Ice

My soul is ice, but melting slowly
Silently I begin to emerge
I see a glimpse of color, the world!
And struggle against my frosty bonds.

But I am stuck, and cannot move
Helplessly my fists beat the walls of my prison
Having seen some of the world I want more and more!
I struggle against my frosty bonds.

Will no one help me loose myself?
I scream until my voice is lost
I find that I am powerless
I weep within my frosty bonds.

Then from a distance comes a voice
Softly at first but then loudly heard
"Be still, and I will free you" it says
And I desist against my frosty bonds.

He begins to sing with a warm steady sound
And I feel myself drawn out of the dark
The icy walls around me dissolve
My frosty bonds are gone.

I stand blinking freed to the light
Squinting up I see his face
And new bonds are formed withing me
I welcome bonds of warmth.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Moments Thought

I've always feared being alone
Dreaded endless days of solitude
But with my friends I feel at home
They love my every way and mood

I've always feared being adrift
Floating with nothing to hold to
But with their friendships given gift
I've felt secure not on the loose

I've always feared being left behind
The one waving others off into the world
And now to my growing horror I find
That moment will soon its wings unfurl