Friday, April 4, 2008

Molten Ice

My soul is ice, but melting slowly
Silently I begin to emerge
I see a glimpse of color, the world!
And struggle against my frosty bonds.

But I am stuck, and cannot move
Helplessly my fists beat the walls of my prison
Having seen some of the world I want more and more!
I struggle against my frosty bonds.

Will no one help me loose myself?
I scream until my voice is lost
I find that I am powerless
I weep within my frosty bonds.

Then from a distance comes a voice
Softly at first but then loudly heard
"Be still, and I will free you" it says
And I desist against my frosty bonds.

He begins to sing with a warm steady sound
And I feel myself drawn out of the dark
The icy walls around me dissolve
My frosty bonds are gone.

I stand blinking freed to the light
Squinting up I see his face
And new bonds are formed withing me
I welcome bonds of warmth.

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