Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunrise Symphony

Pale fingers of light
Pierce the velvet sky
The strings begin to tune
All is quiet in a sigh.

A pinkening on the horizion
The conductor lifts his hands
A lightening of the air
The awe sunrise commands.

And then we see a glimmer
Along the far off mountains
The cellos start to play
Cascading notes in fountains.

As the sun climbs higher
A crescendo of light and sound
Rises to meet the morning
In its brilliance we are drowned.

Shades of purple, pink, and gold
Fling themselves across our vision
The Symphony crashes over us
Each color and note with precision.

As we watch the colors fade
Our hearts begin to quiver
The sun has risen and climbs the heavens
The music now is over.


The sun shines brightly
But cannot pierce
Through the blinds
I wake in my darkened room.

I wake mystified
from a dream filled sleep
And ponder what
I shall do and say.

The mornings song so sprightly
And yet strangely fierce
Sings its designs
Its will to consume.

In this morn is typified
I'm pulled from dreams of the deep
And with one slashing cut
Thrown into the world of the day.

My Daddy

I didn't actually write this one. My Papa found it somewhere and gave it to me. It's just so cute and fitting, that I had to put it up! This one goes out to all those girls who's daddies are doctors...

When Daddy signs his name
He always writes M.D.
That's so the people all will know
That he belongs to me.

For M.D. means "My Daddy"
Or something just the same
And this is why he always puts
Those letters on his name.

Some letters in his name are small
But these are not, you see,
He always makes them big like that
Because he's proud of me.

Friday, May 23, 2008


What is it about laughter
That makes others smile?
It makes my heart beat faster
I'm as carefree as a child.

I laugh in arpeggiations
Traveling up and down
In musical ministrations
My laughter has its sound.

There is something about a smile
In the depths of someones eyes
Through every form of trial
A smile that never dies.

Oh, to live and laugh
To be happy all the day
To continue in this craft
I dearly wish I may.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is What I Miss

Why these lonely feelings
Just as I come home
Why these empty dealings
Why am I alone?

What is it I lack?
Blessed with so many things
Why has my world turned black,
Where have I lost my wings?

Vainly I search for meaning
Isn't home what I longed for?
But love from me is streaming
And now I wish for more.

I want to see my friends
They're my family as well
Painfully I feel their absence
In their light I wish to dwell.

Yes, this is what I miss
The closeness and the sharing
Of tragedy and bliss
And each others troubles bearing.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Right to the Stars

This one was inspired by a poem of Lyssa's. Her thoughts were incredible, and "struck a chord" as it were... hehehe

My soul rips free of my body
And beating my way upward
I scream defiance to the skies
And fly upwards towards the sun.

I laugh brazenly at the wind
Buffering my every move
It cannot stop my wild flight
Piercing the very clouds.

I spread my wings and soar
higher and higher still
I find the freedom glorious
I've forgotten all my fears.

Common sence says to return
I have responsibilites
But I laugh tauntingly in her face
And continue my upward dash

Through the dusky skies
Winging toward the moon
I play in the Northern lights
With stardust on my wings.

But dust is not enough
I want to touch the stars!
I challenge outer space
For my right to do so.

And just as my fingers grasp
A stars glistening, icy edge,
Lightning flashes, thunder roars
I have dared too much!

I scream defiance once again
As gravity pulls me downward
Wind lashes at my star glowed face
Hurling me down to earth.

As I tumble towards the craggy mountains
I realize I have forfeited everything.
I cry out for things I never said
And wish for a second chance.

And then as if by grace,
A hand reaches out and stills my fall
I clutch my star to my chest
And lose myself in eyes of deepest hue

I've got you now his voice reassures
I'm cradled in his arms
Nothing can happen to me now,
I'm safe and I'm his shining star.


Floating on the breezes
Of my souls awakened stirring
A scent, soft and alluring
My senses gently teases.

It pulls me from the depths
Of my minds wanderings
Awakens forgotten longings
Straining to hear his steps.

They seem so long ago
My memories of him.
But they have not grown dim
Merely hidden far below.

Has he come for me?
Will he call me his?
Does he know how I miss
His eyes that I would see?

I am content to wait
Forever in this place
While my thoughts give their chase
And seek him for my sake.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Clock of Life

So ready for home
Yet so unready to leave
Two sides in my mind conceived
Yet which side has won?

Torn between two places
Parents and my family of friends
I wish neither would ever end
The argument is good in both cases.

So unsure of the now
So unsure of what is to come
So unwilling to only choose one
wishing for something I don't know how.

What will happen this summer?
Four months of separation
I grasp at nothing in desperation
Marching to the beat of my own drummer.

Will we remember this time,
This place, and how we feel?
Are these things my own Achilles heel?
The clock of life begins to chime.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Praying for Your Safety

For you my heart is longing
Oh you of my souls eyes
For you I wait in silence
Praying for your safety.

From my arms they stole you
And sent you off to war
With sward of gleaming steel
They care not for your safety.

Throughout the land your battle cry
Rises in the night
I hear you calling out to me
Fearing for your safety.

My one, my love, my other half
Give peace to a land of war
But come ye back and soon my love,
To bide with me in safety.