Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Right to the Stars

This one was inspired by a poem of Lyssa's. Her thoughts were incredible, and "struck a chord" as it were... hehehe

My soul rips free of my body
And beating my way upward
I scream defiance to the skies
And fly upwards towards the sun.

I laugh brazenly at the wind
Buffering my every move
It cannot stop my wild flight
Piercing the very clouds.

I spread my wings and soar
higher and higher still
I find the freedom glorious
I've forgotten all my fears.

Common sence says to return
I have responsibilites
But I laugh tauntingly in her face
And continue my upward dash

Through the dusky skies
Winging toward the moon
I play in the Northern lights
With stardust on my wings.

But dust is not enough
I want to touch the stars!
I challenge outer space
For my right to do so.

And just as my fingers grasp
A stars glistening, icy edge,
Lightning flashes, thunder roars
I have dared too much!

I scream defiance once again
As gravity pulls me downward
Wind lashes at my star glowed face
Hurling me down to earth.

As I tumble towards the craggy mountains
I realize I have forfeited everything.
I cry out for things I never said
And wish for a second chance.

And then as if by grace,
A hand reaches out and stills my fall
I clutch my star to my chest
And lose myself in eyes of deepest hue

I've got you now his voice reassures
I'm cradled in his arms
Nothing can happen to me now,
I'm safe and I'm his shining star.

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