Sunday, October 5, 2008

Life Music

The strands that form my life
Tangle and mesh together,
Like many floating melodies
Combined into polyphony.

Sometimes in discordant strife
My beings inner weather
My souls song accompanies;
Modulating, becoming atonality.

The music is full of joy
Yet somehow melancholy.
Soaring in its crescendo,
Yet crying in its beauty.

And through some tricky ploy,
Some long forgotten folly,
The musics decrescendo
Comes from others cruelty.


Alyssa said...

But if it wasn't so sad sometimes, the beautiful parts wouldn't mean as much.
I can't tell if you're mad about my epiphany.

Katie said...

I'm not mad. I've just been taking some time to think about it. We'll talk sometime tonight or something.