Friday, December 26, 2008

A Dr. Seuss Christmas!

Falling, glittering snowy white
Blankets the world with beauty bright
Creating a peaceful quiet sight.

The fake tree that will never die
Over the stacks of presents Presides
Wrapped and piled oh, so high.

Then through the door with a crash
Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles dash
Adding their gifts to the enormous stash.

Merry Christmases, hellos, and hardy hugs
Fly about like so many bugs
And cider is passed out in Christmas mugs.

Dinner of stuffing and gravy is served
The light hearted mood by laughter preserved
As Christmas traditions are once more observed.

Then dessert of pumpkin pie
Is offered out in the wink of an eye
And greeted with an appreciative sigh.

And now to all it must be shown
How in our music we have grown
Before adults to presents condone.

The kids perform with skill and style
No one can resist a smile
Though the program sure does take a while.

Then finally they give the word
And though it may seem quite absurd
My memory seems to be somewhat blurred.

Where piles of gifts once lay wrapped
Lies paper in shredded torn up scraps
And somehow presents are in our laps.

Then off to bed with the younger ones
All cousins, daughters and yes, the sons
It's time to make the sticky buns.

For in the morning all too soon
Though I won't be up till well past noon
Breakfast must not be eaten, with a spoon!


Anonymous said...

Love it!!

Alyssa said...

CUTE, katiedid! Very nice indeed. Sounds like Christmas was most excellent!