Saturday, December 13, 2008

What does my heart say?

Poised upon the edge
Of what I do not know.
Still learning how to stand
After a lethal blow.

While I am truly happy
I feel a hole inside
Something of me is missing.
Something doesn't coincide.

I need a certain something
But how am I to get this
When I know not what it is
Nor even what I miss?

Is there a hidden way
That I might soon discover
What part of me is empty
It's secret to uncover?

Is there something crying
From deep down inside
That knows all about me
When my intellect is blind?

I think that just perhaps
My heart might maybe may
See things my eyes cannot
Could I learn what it might say?


Alyssa said...

I like, Katie girl...and I know what you mean. I know exactly what you mean. M'sorry. For all that I love life, sometimes, it SUCKS.

Katie said...

No joke! But like you told me, never be sorry for loving someone. There is NOTHING wrong with that!

Alyssa said...

Really? 'Cause I get told it's wrong all the time. You know, the "Get over it, go live your life" deal. Sorry, I'm in the bitterness stage. I'll get over it *half a laugh*

Alyssa said...

But you're right. There's nothing wrong with loving someone at all. We would miss so much otherwise.