Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blue and Gray and Green

The waves pound in endless blue and gray and green
It brings to mind her dark sad eyes, now a distant memory
The power of the swifly rising storm
Mirrors the beauty she always had within.

Who is the beautiful girl of whom I seldom speak?
The one with the eyes of brilliant blue and gray and green?
I'll tell you who she is and was, I knew her very well
I loved her, the beauty with the eyes of blue and gray and green.

She also loved me once, the man that I was, the only one for her,
But I was already claimed, held back by a promise to another
And so I left her all alone, along the beach to wander
By the pounding waves that will never cease their roar.

And this I tell you in truth as none else can
The day I left the seas began to cry
The waves mirrored the colors of her tri-colored eyes
All blue and gray and green.

Now in my old age they haunt me, those multi colored eyes
Nary a day goes by when I don't wish or realize
That perhaps if I had stayed that day so long ago
Those eyes of blue and gray and green would be mine and mine alone.

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