Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Clouds roll in as a dark tumbling mass
The great gray expanse of sky
Mirrors the feelings I have inside
Emotions being to shape and amass

To outward eyes I seem cool and calm
But those who know me might well see past
To the inside where hurt and pain have smashed
And created a new creature that I struggle to keep in bonds

When the rain falls it becomes hard to keep the beast caged
The sadness inside of me rips free
It surges to the surface for all the world to see
My existance seems eternally planned and staged

Can no one see deeply into my eyes?
Those gateways to my soul.
Where sorrow in waves forever roll,
Or will I pass without a cause to live and realize?

I have only one small simple wish
To fly into the sky and become one with the stars
To be washed free and clean of this lifes scars
And the tears from other days abolish.

For when God weeps his silvery tears
As a shining drop from the sky I will fall
Back to the world for I have heard its call
Before all hapiness and joy disseppears.

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